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You Should Leave America, but Can You? This Is a Must Read


by Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show:

It is time to leave America? Is it possible to leave the country and leave with your assets in tow? And where would you go?

There are many indicators that tell us that we have totally lost our country. Nowhere is this more evident than it is with what our media is choosing to glorify and so many of our young people are choosing to emulate the trash that the media is putting out.

We Live In a Country That Glorifies What It Used to Call Perversion

You now live in a country where nearly every vaccine contains aborted fetal cell products. Cecile Richards (i.e. the modern day Dr. Mengele, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, defended the organization’s practices of selling aborted fetal body parts. Why isn’t this monster in prison?

Wanted by Planned Parenthood.

Wanted by Planned Parenthood.

A Snippet From the Local News

Last night, while watching the local San Diego Channel 6 News, I took note of the two featured stories from the news broadcast:

1. The Gay Pride Parade in which the report claimed over 300,000 people will attend the event on July 18. The event was not merely covered as a news story, it was glorified as if it were a New Years Eve celebration at Times Square. Of course, nothing is mentioned about the virtues of family life and traditional marriage on this broadcast. Can you only imagine the uproar if “extremist” heterosexuals were to sponsor their own “Hetero Pride March”. It would be welcomed with the same animosity as a Confederate flag flying in the south.

2. The celebration of Ramadan was also given a great deal of attention.

Didn't the government tell us that 19 Saudis with box cutters hijacked 4 planes resulting in this?

Didn’t the government tell us that 19 Saudis with box cutters hijacked 4 planes resulting in this?

I don't think Christian terrorist groups brought this plane down.

I don’t think Christian terrorist groups brought Pan Am 103 down.

Again the news reports made breaking the link between terrorist acts and Islam a primary issue. Please keep in mind that the religious leaders were not saying we disavow violence as a medium of Islamic political expression. They were denying any possible link between the two variables.

This news report was not a matter of fact mention of the holiday,which would have been fine,  it was the glorification of the religion and how pristine the religion is when it comes to world politics. Really? What about 9/11? What about Pan Am 103 over Scotland? I don’t deny heinous acts carried out in the name of Christianity and neither should the Muslims. Are there any Christian groups running through the Middle East beheading members of the Islamic faith? Of course, on this station, nothing about Christianity could be found at anytime during our vacation stay. The point being, I do not have a problem with the mention of a religious holiday or a social event. I do have a problem with the glorification of these events to the total exclusion of my lifestyle choices. Being a Christian father in a long-term marriage is being marginalized in the American media and I am sick of it! I can recognize propaganda when I see it. Keep in mind, our children are being conditioned by this same propaganda. I know better, can you count on your children to know the difference?

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